Data Insights
Cloud: who are the leaders in patient data blockchain for the healthcare industry?
The healthcare industry continues to be a hotbed of innovation. Activity is driven by telemedicine, real-time diagnostics, smart hospitals and...
Cloud: who are the leaders in medical image display devices for the healthcare industry?
The healthcare industry continues to be a hotbed of innovation. Activity is driven by telemedicine, real-time diagnostics, smart hospitals and...
Cloud: who are the leaders in drug delivery device security for the healthcare industry?
The medical devices industry continues to be a hotbed of innovation. Activity is driven by increased need for homecare, preventative...
Cloud: who are the leaders in clinical decision analysis for the healthcare industry?
The healthcare industry continues to be a hotbed of innovation. Activity is driven by telemedicine, real-time diagnostics, smart hospitals and...
Cloud: who are the leaders in AR/VR medical imaging interfaces for the healthcare industry?
The healthcare industry continues to be a hotbed of innovation. Activity is driven by telemedicine, real-time diagnostics, smart hospitals and...
Cloud: who are the leaders in active shape model segmentation for the healthcare industry?
The healthcare industry continues to be a hotbed of innovation. Activity is driven by telemedicine, real-time diagnostics, smart hospitals and...
Mentions of cloud decreased by 69% in the healthcare industry in Q3 2022
The global healthcare industry experienced a 69% drop in company filings mentions of cloud in Q3 2022 compared with the...
Leading healthcare companies in the cloud theme
The future of the healthcare industry will be shaped by a range of disruptive themes, with cloud being one of...
Who’s hiring who? Hiring activity related to cloud increased by 13% in the healthcare industry in Q3 2022
The global healthcare industry experienced a 13% rise in new job postings related to cloud in Q3 2022 compared with...

Healthcare in 2022: what you need to know
Omicron, supply chains, and pandemic recovery are several themes likely to trend in the hospital sector this year.