Irish hospital group Blackrock Health, comprising the Blackrock, Galway, Hermitage, and Limerick clinics, has unveiled plans to invest €25m in a digital transformation programme.

The investment will involve the implementation of MEDITECH Expanse, an electronic health record system.

The hospital will also introduce Ireland’s first integrated digital engagement platform to strengthen connectivity among patients, consultants, and general practitioners (GPs).

These technologies will connect patient data, enhance clinical care, improve patient safety, and reduce administrative burdens, the company claims.

The system will provide a comprehensive view of patients’ health history and facilitate seamless access to records across the group’s hospitals.

This three-year digital transformation project is expected to create 60 jobs within the Blackrock Health group.

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According to the press statement, this deployment is built on the rollout of MEDITECH’s electronic health record in Galway Clinic in 2017.

Blackrock Health CEO Caroline Whelan said: “Improving patient care is always at the heart of the decisions that we make at Blackrock Health and that is why we are investing €25m to digitally transform the way we work across the group which, in turn, will enhance clinical care and patient safety for the 325,000 patients we treat annually. 

“We are excited to embark on this three-year journey alongside our partners at MEDITECH, which will enable staff across our four clinics to work in close collaboration and our patients to access one single health record at any of our clinics.”