Australia-based private hospital operator Ramsay Health Care has unveiled plans to launch a new A$16m ($10.8m) surgical centre in Cleveland, Redland City, Queensland.

The new Ramsay Surgical Centre Cleveland will focus on day surgery and offer a wide range of specialties, including ophthalmology, orthopaedics, general surgery, endoscopy, ENT, urology, plastic surgery, and gynaecology.

Ramsay Surgical Centres CEO Claire Thurwood said: “The Ramsay Surgical Centre will focus on day surgery, working with some of Queensland’s leading doctors and utilising advanced technology to ensure the best possible care for our patients.

“This centre will offer a new alternative for privately insured patients and an affordable option for self-insured patients.”

Located in the Cleveland Health Hub developed by Real Asset Management (RAM), the facility is expected to be operational by late 2025.

With three purpose-built surgical theatres, the centre will offer an alternative for privately insured patients and is also claimed to be an “affordable option for self-insured patients” in the region.

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This follows the recent purchase of the former Orange Private Hospital, which will be rebranded as Ramsay Surgical Centre Orange.

RAM Executive Director and Head of Real Estate Matthew Strotton said: “Ramsay Surgical Centre Cleveland, as well as the Cleveland Health Hub, represents a significant leap forward in expanding health care provision for Redland City residents.

“We are fully committed to the success of the project and excited about the positive impact it will have on the local residents and health care providers.”