Texas County Memorial Hospital (TCMH) has gone live with RapidAI technology to enhance stroke care in rural southern Missouri.
Being a Level III stroke centre with the nearest Level I facility over 90 miles away, TCMH faces challenges in providing timely care to stroke patients.
To address this, TCMH implemented RapidAI’s core stroke imaging and workflow solutions, such as Rapid ICH, LVO, CTA, and CTP in its radiology department.
RapidAI leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve stroke care by analysing high-resolution CT scans in real time, identifying blood vessel blockages, and transmitting data to specialists for quicker treatment decisions.
To support this initiative, TCMH received a grant of $47,450 from the Rural Citizens Access to Telehealth (RCAT) project, which aims to reduce barriers to care and provide advanced and healthcare in Missouri.
RapidAI claims that its technology streamlines decision-making, expedites patient care, and provides vital information to hospitals of all sizes.
This is said to help reduce time to treatment and improve care equity for all patients, regardless of their location.
RapidAI uses AI to combat life-threatening vascular and neurovascular conditions, helping physicians to make faster decisions for enhanced patient outcomes.
TCMH stroke coordinator Jason Mayberry said: “We are incredibly excited to have RapidAI in our hospital and expect it will enhance care delivery significantly and improve outcomes for our stroke patients – expediting our door-to-decision time by saving valuable minutes in assessing and triaging stroke patients.
“RapidAI will revolutionise how we provide stroke care at TCMH and ensure members of our community have access to the best possible care, regardless of where they live.”