
Stille develops, manufactures and markets superior quality surgical instruments and speciality operating tables.

Surgical instruments and speciality tables

Stille focuses its marketing efforts on a number of prioritised segments, namely surgical instruments and speciality tables for cardiovascular surgery, plastic surgery and urology / gynaecology. Naturally, our instruments, which are hand-made, are also well-suited for all other open-surgery procedures.

Hand-made surgical instruments

Stille was founded in 1841 as an instrument-maker for the Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden. Even today our surgical instruments are hand-made, guaranteeing products of the highest quality, durability, feel and longevity. In fact, we often hear that surgeons who use our instruments in operations find that the instruments feel like an extension of their hands, providing immediate feedback during the procedure.

Throughout its history Stille has continued its legacy of innovation. For instance, Stille was the pioneer in making super-cut scissors.

The ImagiQ™ fluoroscopy table offers unique lateral free-float capabilities in all directions coupled with maximum imaging area based on a one-piece carbon-fibre table top; additional functionalities include iso-centric roll and Trendelenburg / anti-Trendelenburg positioning.
All Sonesta urology and gynaecology tables offer maximum flexibility in patient positioning, including ease of access for the patient; certain products also offer imaging capabilities (e.g. through video fluoroscopy).
Examples of hand-made Stille surgical instruments with the ultimate quality and feel (super-cut scissors, forceps and rongeur).

To provide our customers with a one-source supply of commonly used products required by surgeons in the operating room, Stille also distributes high-quality and carefully selected third-party products, including headlights and retractor systems.

Speciality tables for vascular interventional radiology, urology and gynaecology

In addition to our instruments, Stille also develops, manufactures and markets speciality tables, which are sold in a package with imaging and measurement systems, primarily through the manufacturers of such systems. imagiQ™ is a fluoroscopy table specifically developed for the needs of surgeons performing minimally-invasive cardiovascular surgery with the aid of imaging equipment (usually mobile c-arms).

The Sonesta line of urology and gynaecology tables, including products with fluoroscopy capabilities, are used for applications including urodynamics studies with specific measurement systems.

Surgical instrument and speciality table design, manufacture and marketing

Stille’s objective is that its products will provide clear advantages for the surgeon. This is achieved by developing, manufacturing and marketing products with a design, functionality, quality and feeling that aspire to assist the surgeon to work in a comfortable, more efficient and secure way. Ultimately, we aim to develop products that give the physician the opportunity to achieve a more effective care process and a better quality of care for patients.

Stille is headquartered in Solna, north of Stockholm, Sweden. Our products are currently marketed in more than 40 countries globally through a mix of our own sales presence and carefully selected distributors who represent Stille in their markets.