The government of Ontario, Canada, has begun developing a healthcare facility to serve the French-speaking community in Timmins and the nearby area.

For its new facility, the Centre de santé communautaire de Timmins (CSC Timmins) will receive C$1.1m ($800,800) for the initial planning, as well as a C$15.6m ($11.3m) investment from the province.

CSC Timmins offers services such as primary care, addiction and mental health support, as well as other programmes for early childhood and chronic diseases in two temporary locations.

The funding will allow these services to be consolidated into a single, modern facility to improve the delivery of healthcare to the community.

Once completed, the new CSC Timmins facility is projected to provide around 18,000 primary care visits and connect up to 20,000 individuals to various health programmes a year.

The facility will also offer practical training opportunities for medical students, contributing to the government’s efforts to strengthen Ontario’s health workforce and support underserved communities.

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Ontario Deputy Premier and Health Minister Sylvia Jones said: “Our government is continuing to take action to connect Ontarians to more convenient care, closer to home.

“The new Centre de santé communautaire de Timmins facility will connect the Francophone community in the region to the comprehensive and culturally appropriate health care services they need in one modern location, for years to come.”

In a separate development, the Ontario government has confirmed an investment of up to C$2.5m to support the construction of a ten-bed children’s hospice in the Hamilton region for Kemp Care Network.

Expected to open in 2026, the Keaton’s House – Paul Paletta Children’s Hospice will provide comprehensive palliative care for youth and children with life-limiting illnesses.

It will offer respite care, symptom management services and residential care, as well as at-home services provided by visiting volunteers.