Healthcare acquired infections (HCAIs) are still of major concern within healthcare. Huge amounts are spent in tackling the issue. The Hygiena SystemSURE Plus ATP luminometer offers a cost-effective solution. Used as a post cleaning verification tool to show surface cleanliness levels, the handheld instrument detects any organic contamination left on surfaces within seconds.

Already used in more than 200 hospitals, the robust easy-to-use SystemSURE Plus has recently been adopted by Health Facilities Scotland following extensive trails against a competitor system. North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust have used the system for more than three years and have 35 instruments across five different departments. The instrument is used as a cleaning verification tool, a training aid and for troubleshooting areas of concern. It has highlighted the problems associated with visual assessment of cleaning practices – visual assessment is inadequate; not all contamination is visible to the human eye (Griffiths, 2008). Use of SystemSURE Plus has provided a quantitative value on the standards of cleaning. North Tees and Hartlepool now have the proof of cleaning.

Sue Shannon, head of operations, North Tees and Hartlepool Trust, said: “The results give us the evidence that we need to tackle any problem areas and to produce reports for ward matrons on the cleanliness levels in their areas.”

Already, the trust has seen a decrease in the number of infections reported. Staff are better trained and more aware of the importance of carrying out effective, efficient cleaning practices. Monthly reports are generated to board level using the simple software tools provided and enable the trust to perform data trending and show continuous improvement in cleaning standards.

Kevin Oxley, director of operations, North Tees and Hartlepool Trust, said of the system: “What we really like about the system is that it gives us instant results on the effectiveness of our cleaning. If we find a problem, if we haven’t met the standards we set ourselves we can rectify this immediately.”

SystemSURE Plus has achieved Rapid Review Panel level 1 status from the Department Of Health and has been included in the revised NHS cleaning manual.

The instrument is not only cost-effective but provides other benefits over competitor systems. The use of modern technology means that the instrument is self-calibrating and therefore requires no expensive annual calibrations, conformances or service and maintenance agreements. The swab design means there is no chance of breakage, spillage or sharding and we use 30% less plastic in manufacture.