
A. Imaging Solutions has a 2002 Signa 1.5T Echo Speed EXCITE 8ch Software 11.0 MRI for sale.

  • Field strength: 1.5 Telsa
  • Magnet type: CXK4 (LCC) new cold headed change 12/21/2009
  • Gradients: 33 mT/m, SR 120 T/m/s 2003 ACGD
  • System cabinet: February 2002 Excite 3 RF System
  • SRFD2 cabinet: solid state
  • Active shielding
  • Image Matrix: 1024×1024
  • Number / type of coils: 8 channel coils: 8-channel neurovascular array, 8-channel body array
  • 4 channels coil: 4-channel CTL spine, 4-channel breast array, 4-channel shoulder array x 2, 4-channel high-res wrist array
  • Linear coils: knee / foot coil MAI, transmit / receive standard head coil, DUAL 3in circular coils (receive only; TM joints)

Software and sequences: Software Version 11.0_0818a

  • Echo planer imaging
  • Fast gradient echo
  • Cine. fast spin echo and flair
  • Time of flight
  • Phase contrast vascular imaging
  • SGD_Echospeed
  • Flair EPI
  • Smart prep
  • Three plane localizer
  • Modality work list
  • E3DT0F
  • FSE_XL
  • BloodSupp
  • Fast cine
  • Tagging
  • Idrive pro
  • Idrive
  • Smart prep 2000 upgrade
  • Functool 2
  • Voxtool
  • Interactive vascular imaging
  • Clariview
  • Proform procedure step
  • Fgret
  • Sprial hi-res ultra short TR
  • T2 Breath Hold
  • T1 Breath Hold
  • ACGD Plus
  • Fluro triggered MRA
  • MRCP3
  • Dynamic R1
  • Fiesta 2D
  • Fiesta 3D
  • Asset

The MRI is offered in good working condition and appearance, and is available September 2011.

Please contact A. Imaging Solutions if you are interested in the system or would like more pictures and details.