Medsystem and Medrecord Online: A Pilot Report from Gerkhutar Village, Nepal
By Meddserve
A very innovative project at Gerkhutar village has delivered a broadband connection over mountains and dense forest to a remote village 60km from Kathmandu. The potential is that services delivered through the internet VSAT, VLAN, VPN can be a driver to innovation, education and sustainable economic development to the 80% of Nepal's population that lives in rural areas.
Meddserve has developed an online health software service that mirrors exactly how a specialist should take a history and records images. It delivers a cost-effective consultation to anyone connected to the Internet. A person's medical record is accessed online, an online medical record (OMR) known as Medrecord Online. A full consultation can be carried out online using the clinician information support system (CISS) known as Medsystem Online.
The existing broadband access to the village hall at Gerkhutar village gave an opportunity to use this online application. A pilot was therefore planned. Download this free whitepaper to find out more about this pilot project.